Adding MySQL Databases to your CodeGuard Backups
Knowledgebase Article
Knowledgebase Article
This article is to help you setup MySQL backups via CodeGuard. Please note that this requires that your site is already setup. If you need assistance setting up your site, please see the following first: Connecing to CodeGuard
Configuring the Database section in CodeGuard requires the following details be done in cPanel beforehand:
- A database user you know the password details to
- Whitelisting CodeGuard's IP addresses in the 'Remote MySQL' section.
1.) Log into your cPanel control panel.
2.) Click on the 'MySQL Databases' icon.
3.) Scroll to the 'MySQL Users' secton to add a new database user. When setting up the user, be sure to copy the username and password you create. You will need these details later.
4.) Click the 'Create User' button to create the user. Please note that your cPanel username will be appended to the username. Using the image above, if your cPanel username was "test123", then your new database user is "test123_newuser"
5.) After the user is created. You will need to add it to your database. Go back to the MySQL Databases screen and scroll down to the 'Add user to Database' section.
6.) Select the new user you created and the database you wish to add the user to and click the 'Add' button:
7.) Click the 'All Privligies' check box, then the 'Make Changes' button:
1.) If you have logged out of cPanel, log back in. If you are already logged in, click the 'Home' icon to get back to the main cPanel page.
2.) Click the 'Remote MySQL' icon.
3.) In the Host box, enter the following IP addresses one at a time. After entering the IP, click the Add Host button:
4.) When done, your Remote MySQL section should look similiar to this:
Now that the new database user has been configured in cPanel, you can proceed with the CodeGuard setup:
1.) Log into your CodeGuard Dashboard.
2.) Under the 'My Sites' section, click on the Gear icon and select 'Add Database':
3.) Enter the Hostname or IP address and click the 'Test Connection' button. The host name is typically your domain name or the IP address of the server.
4.) After connecting successfully, you will see the following message:
5.) Enter the Database username and password you created above in the 'MySQL Username' and MySQL Password boxes, and click the 'Next Ste' button.
6.) Select the Database from the drop down menu, and click the 'Add Database' button.
This completes the database setup. If you have any questions or run into any errors and need assistance, please visit and open a support ticket. Our support team will be happy to assist!
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