While email “from” names and email addresses might seem like small details, they can make a huge difference to the success of your campaign. By sending an email campaign with a From email like noreply@domain.com or unmanned@domain.com you are sending a message to your customers, and it’s “Please don’t talk to us”.
“From” addresses like noreply@ that:
(a) aren’t manned by a real person or
(b) don’t exist at all can be an easy way to alienate your customers and eliminate feedback from your users.
If you send your email from a noreply address, here are a few reasons to make the switch to something new (like an email address manned by a real person):
1. Your email is more likely to be flagged as spam by the recipient.
2. The message you’re sending to your subscribers (those current or potential customers) is that you’re not interested in receiving their email, even though it’s ok for you to email them. Is that really the message you want to send?
3. You’re missing great (and sometimes crucial) customer feedback – user comments, unsubscribes – that can help you improve your marketing efforts (and see more return on
4. When someone replies to your emails, you’re likely to be automatically added to their contact or “Safe Sender” list at the same time which means all your future emails you send them will go straight to their inbox. Replies should be encouraged!
5. Modern webmail & mobile email clients show people more than the name of the sender – they show your email address as well. Would you open email that was from noreply@domain.com?
6. Using a noreply@ address has been shown to decrease open rates, increase unsubscribe and complaint rates.
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