How to install WordPress from Softaculous
Knowledgebase Article
Knowledgebase Article
Let's see how to install WordPress in Softaculous.
Step 1) Login to cPanel.
Step 2) Locate and start the Softaculous Apps Installer under the SOFTWARE section:
Step 3) Locate the WordPress application and hit Install:
Step 4) Configure the WordPress application:
- Choose Protocol:
If your site has SSL, then please choose the HTTPS protocol.
Remember you can easily install SSL on your domain using Let's Encrypt.
- Choose Domain:
Choose the domain to install the software.
- In Directory:
The directory is relative to your domain and should not exist. e.g. To install at http://mydomain/dir/ just type dir. To install only in http://mydomain/ leave this empty.
- Site Name:
The site name is displayed in the title bar of the web browser and is displayed in the header for most themes. Your site name can be anything you’d like; it doesn’t have to be the same as your blog’s URL or your username.
- Site Description:
The site description is a catchy phrase to describe what your web site is about.
- Enable Multisite (WPMU):
Multisite is a WordPress feature which allows users to create a network of WordPress web sites on a single WordPress installation.
- Create your admin user by filling the: Admin Username; Admin Password and Admin Email.
- Select the display language of your WordPress web site.
- You can have the Loginizer plugin installed along with the WordPress. The plugin will protect your web site against bruteforce attacks by limiting the number of login attempts for your WordPress installation.
- The advanced options tab gives you access to very important extras, such as:
Disable Update Notifications
Auto Upgrade
Auto Upgrade WordPress Plugins
Auto Upgrade WordPress Themes
Automated backups
Backup Rotation
We suggest keeping enabled the update notifications, as well as enabling the automated backups.
- Note: This is optional. If not selected, the default theme will be installed.
The installation details will be E-Mailed to the Admin Email set up above. You can choose to Email these to another address by filling it here:
Finally, click on the INSTALL button to complete the installation.
That's the end of the tutorial.
You know now how to install WordPress from Softaculous.
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